KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, NAVAL BASE KOCHI CMP – REPORT ( 01.04.2017 TO 31.10.2017) The Academic session 2017-18 started on 1st April 2017. Students and teachers assembled for the morning assembly at 8:30 am with full vigour and enthusiasm. Headmistress I/C Mrs. ShobhaKurup welcomed the students and teachers to the new academic session 2017-18. Annual Day celebration – 07.04.2017 The 41st Annual day of the school was celebrated on 07.04.2017 in the Vidyalaya. Cmde.Prakash, VMC Chairman presided over the function. Mr. Merin Joseph, IPS was the guest of honour. She said “if we are determined and ready to do hard work we will get through and reach our destination”. Prizes and trophies were distributed to the children who proved excellence in various fields. Principal presented the Vidyalaya report. Many teachers who proved their excellence in teaching were honoured by presenting certificate and shawl. The cultural programme presented by the students were well appreciated. ...
Salvin sir , Abdul sir and Princi david mam ... I don't see them In this pic ... they use to teach in commerce students ... but princy mam was englis teacher... Abdul sir was class teacher teaching accounts ... princy man showed us titanic movie as it was in our eng book... golden days